
Digital Language Lab: Teaching soft skills and critical thinking skills

As English fortifies its position as the world’s lingua franca, many of our institutions take initiatives to give special training to students in English and communication. English is included in the core curriculum of students by many countries to oil the wheels of communication in the worlds of education, business, trade and tourism. However, educational visionaries are of the opinion that, to enable students to become better communicators, schools should go beyond conventional grammar-translation method and blackboard-chalk setting. Digital intervention has played a major role in revolutionising the language education method giving prime importance to LSRW teaching method and natural acquisition of language.

Language lab software is the technology adopted by many schools to go beyond teaching vocabulary and its meaning to the level of helping students communicate effectively in international settings. The use of online resources and interactive tools help teachers and students to enjoy learning in a serene atmosphere. Besides imparting language skills, digital language laboratory helps students to achieve soft skills like problem-solving, decision making, presentation skills, time management and other life skills. In professional colleges, digital language lab is used to assist students in achieving communication skills they need in their career world.

Realising the importance of digital language lab, most schools now use this learning system to help children develop their linguistic skills from a very young age itself. It not only helps children to develop communication skills, but also provides them the opportunity to acquire critical thinking skills that will support them the learning of life skills and other subjects too. It also enables students to get maximum privacy and autonomy in their learning.