Each and every languages has its own set of rules to monitor the writing and speaking qualities of an individual. English with its global recognition of professionalism within other languages brings about an extensive attention to become a basic essentiality for living. With the advent of 21st century, a growing realization has come across to initiate a national and international channelization to English Language teaching. The growth of technologies, especially with the influx of mobiles completed the necessities of human being providing a creative freedom, endless resources and with umpteen learning materials. The increased possibilities of these technological gadgets encourage the learning languages from any corner of the sphere. As today's world is obsessed with rapid learning process appropriate of its time restrictions, the technology is an asset. The language learning involves the participation of many communities to engage in collaboration to enhance the value of a knowledge of a language other than our native tongue, expanding access to equitable education. When a child receives its mother tongue the language lays a foundation in its cognitive and linguistic ways to make it very diverse from other languages. When going for English as a medium of instruction the process simply amplifies the societal and economic mobility of the generation. Being a language of scientific knowledge it is benefited in technological advancement. Moreover many countries adopted English to avoid the issues of availability of technical books and resources and also for the rapid progress of the country. The primary focus of bureau of language acquisition is to make an extensive awareness ensuring that the students receive widespread instructions by monitoring the schools and districts for compliance.