
GKCIET , West Bengal inculcates OrellTalk Digital Language Lab in their campus

We, Orell Technosystems have in its account, many major universities, colleges, coaching institutions etc. as clients. What makes these renowned institutes go for our products? It is nothing but the sheer advanced and user-friendly features that attract colleges to us.

OrellTalk- the most wanted educational software among our line of products is essentially an ICT backed digital language lab. This week Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology (GKCIET), Malda, situated in the state of West Bengal purchased OrellTalk! We are so thrilled to further develop this collaboration.

Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology (GKCIET), Malda, West Bengal was established in 2010 by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India under the mentorship of National Institute of Technology, Durgapur and in the memory of Sri A.B.A. Ghani Khan Choudhury who had contributed immensely to societal development of the region. The Institute is located at Malda, West Bengal with the bordering districts of Bihar, Jharkhand and North Eastern states. Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology (GKCIET), Malda was established with the objective to create a multi-layered inter disciplinary and inter-sectorial efficient professional technical manpower to act as an international podium for the development and transfer of technical competence in academics.

Oréll has over 5,000 customers in the education sector in more than 50 Countries worldwide and helps around 10 Million+ learners and instructors to learn and teach languages easily, efficiently and effortlessly. OréllTalk is the world’s most preferred cloud-based language lab software with integrated e-Learning system and live virtual class which is designed to assist learners of all fields. OréllTalk Language Lab has proven to enrich a student's language learning experiences.