School management software paved way for a renaissance in educational institutions by considerably removing the head ache of workload for staff and faculty members. School Administration requires a lot of paper work. It takes many staff’s hard work to run a school efficiently. With laborious tasks like admission, exam evaluation, promotion, staff admission, library management, payroll, attendance and etc. an office staff’s hands are always full. With the introduction of School Automation Softwares, these issues have been eradicated to an extent. The interfaces and multitudes of features let the staff enter the essential details and generate monthly, weekly and yearly reports of different aspects during student’s course.
Not only students and teachers, even parents, principals, and staff have access in the system. The transparency of the whole system eases the tasks and evades the chances of potential errors. It is beneficial for parents as it lets them have the complete access to their children by logging into the parent module. He or she can monitor each and every activity of his or her son including the attendance. He or she will be notified of the absence, fee collection, assignments and homework etc. The system is an all round provider of necessary information and it is perfect for any school. To have these fine features of Automated School Management the school management has to pay attention in choosing the right software for their campus. The software must have all the essential modules for admission, fee payment, information, attendance, staff admission, examinations, evaluation, promotion and much more. The software must be equipped to create reports when required. It should follow the mandates and circulars published by the government.